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D.I.Y.자료실 (Do it yourself)

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2019년형 보타이 (플로우타이 제거) D.I.Y. 자료실 -카마로ss동호회

2019년형 보타이 (플로우타이 제거)

김도영(SunShine)  |  조회수 :3752  |  2019-06-05 (10:20)

• 10mm socket
• 13mm socket
• Long extensions
• T30H
• T15H
• Flathead Screw driver (or something to pry with)
• Mirror on a stick (with lights even better)
• Magnet (never know when you’ll drop something

1) Remove the following (1.jpg):
a. 4x 10mm bolts (yellow dots)
b. 6x T15H torx (red dots)
c. 2x T30H torx (purple dots)
d. Two rubber hood stops – count how many turns required so you can put them back at the same height (green dots)
Your shroud is now loose, however the hood latch is in the way for removal. Luckily it is very easy to remove.

2) Using your extensions and 13mm socket remove the hood latch bolts through the front grill. Once the bolts are out, just let it hang down. It might be a good idea to mark it off before you remove it so that you can put it back in exactly the same place
(3.jpg and 4.jpg)

3) Slide the radiator shroud towards the engine and slightly upwards, it should slide out with a bit of effort (5.jpg)

4) You can now access the back of the flowtie where it attaches to the bumper. Using a screwdriver or your pry tool and mirror gently pry each tab while pulling gently from the front, this was the most delicate and longest part of the job. There are 6 pins holding it in, however it was only the left and right sides I needed to work on, the top and bottom came out on their own. (7.jpg, 8.jpg)

5) Done. Now you can paint it and while you wait for it to dry, put everything back together. Since when you are done you can just press it back into the bumper. (9.jpg, 10.jpg)

영문 자료이긴하지만, 사진만 봐도 이해가 되는거라 ...ㅎㅎ

근데 문제는 이걸 제거한다고 해도 뒤에 형태는 남아있습니다.

  • 김철기(달구지) | 2019-06-05 10:52
걍 무광블랙으로 칠하는게..ㅎㅎ
  • 김주현(신록군) | 2019-06-05 13:20
  • 이상현(모터헤드) | 2019-06-05 17:48
제거한뒤 도색을 하거나 랩핑하고 다시 붙이는 용도겠지..?
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