아이러니 하지만 카마로는 출퇴근용으로 쓰는 사용자 인지라 정속/연비 주행을 매우 빈번히 하는 운전 패턴입니다. 문제는 미션 떨림/진동/슬립등으로 명칭되어지는 미션 하자 문제가 지극히 거슬린단 말이죠.
많은 분들의 체험을 봐도 대부분 직영사업소에서 미션오일 교체를 진행하고 계시지만 같은 문제가 재발된다는 글도 몇몇 나오는걸 봐서는 이전 자유게시판에도 썼었듯이, 자동차 메이커의 해결 의지가 상당히 희박한지라 깔끔한 해법이 근 시일내에 나오기가 어렵다는 개인 판단을 내렸습니다.
결국 수많은 구글링과 써치를 통해 두가지 정보를 공유하고자 합니다.
결론부터 1. 카마로에 들어가는 순정 오토미션 오일은 Dexron HP라는 새 규격의 오일로 여타 이전의 Dexron 1~6 등급의 오일과 호환되지 않는다. 2. Mobil에서 Mobil-1 LV ATF HP라는 새로운 미션오일을 내놨고 이는 미션 떨림/진동/슬립 문제를 해결할 수 있다. 이를 GM 기술정비 자료집에 등재하였다.
탐구 첫번째 - ㅆㅂ 대체 뭔 미션 오일을 쓰길래 이따위야?
2013 - DEXRON-HP

2013 Dexron HP
With increasing CAFE regulations,
smaller engines with very narrow torque bands were being put in vehicles with 6
and 8-speed transmissions to improve fuel economy, another fluid revision was
강화되는 CAFÉ 규제로 인해, 연비 항상을 위해 매우 좁은 토크 밴드의 좀 더 작은 엔진이 6단/8단 오토 미션과 함께 차량에 장착되었다. 그리고 새로운 변속기 오일 개정이
필요하게 되었다.
In July of 2013, GM released the
Low Viscosity (LV) Dexron-HP (High Performance) Fluid Specification. Dexron HP
is composed of a Group 3+ Base oil and additives needed for the proper
operation of the 2015 GM 8L90 and 8L45 8-Speed RWD/4WD automatic transmissions.
The current GM specification that defines the fluid is GMN16974.
2013년 7월, GM은
저점도 Dexron-HP 미션 오일 규격을 발표하였다. Dexron HP는
2015 GM 8L90 and 8L45 8속 후륜/사륜 오토미션에서
적절히 작동되기 위해 그룹3+ 기유와 첨가제로 구성되어 있다. 현재
관련 GM규격은 GMN16974에서 정의하고 있다.
This fluid is used in the GM 9T50
9-Speed FWD/AWD transaxle and the Chevrolet Bolt EV drive unit.
이 미션오일은 GM 9T50 9단 전륜/사륜 트랜스퍼와 쉐보레 볼트 전기차 구동부에도 쓰인다
This fluid is not backward
compatible with any previous fluids. GM Dexron-HP licensed products have a
license number on the container that begins with the letter J. Example:
이 미션오일은 이전의 어느 Dexron 미션오일과도 하위 호환되지 않는다. 라이센스 생산된 GM Dexron-HP 오일은 용기에 별도 표시되어 있다(예: J-60168)
탐구 두번째 - 그래서 어떻게 하라고?
2018 -
Mobil 1 Synthetic LV ATF HP "Blue Label"[edit]

Mobil 1 Synthetic
LV ATF HP "Blue Label Front
in late 2018, a revised fluid
specification for a "Dexron Approved" Mobil 1 Synthetic LV ATF HP was
introduced in a GM Technical Service Bulletin 18-NA-355.
2018년 말, Dexron 승인된 새로운 오일 규격의 Mobil 1 Synthetic LV ATF HP이 GM 서비스 기술자료집(18-NA-355)에 소개가 되었다.
The revision is to help correct a
torque converter clutch shudder in the GM 8L90, and 8L45 automatic
transmissions after a complete flush of the system. Dexron LV ATF LV is made by
Mobil and is marketed as Mobil-1 LV ATF HP.
이 오일은 해당 미션에서 완전히 배출시키고 주입하면 8L90미션과 8L45미션의 토크 컨버터 셔더 노이즈 문제를 해결하는데 도움을
Dexron LV ATF는 모빌에서 Mobil-1 LV ATF HP으로 표시되어
Dexron LV ATF HP is composed of a
Polyalphaolefin (PAO) Group 4 Base oil and additives needed for the proper
operation of the 2015 and above GM 8L90 and 8L45 8-Speed rear wheel drive
automatic transmission.
대충 베이스 기유 4 그룹으로 만들어져서 카마로 오토 미션에 잘 작동된데요-----생략.
탐구 세번째 - 진짜야?
GM Technical Assistance CenterOriginally posted by
8 Speed Torque Converter Shudder – New Service Procedure and New Mobil 1 Synthetic LV ATF HP Fluid Regional Rollout
DATE | 12/12/2018 | SUBJECT | 8 Speed Torque Converter Shudder – New Service Procedure and New Mobil 1 Synthetic LV ATF HP Fluid Regional Rollout | MODELS | 8L45 and 8L90 Applications | TO | All Cadillac, Chevrolet and GMC Dealers | ATTN | Service Manager, Service Director, Shop Foreman, Service Technician, Parts Manager, Parts Counter Personnel, Warranty Administrator, General Manager |
A new transmission fluid exchange procedure and new formula of Mobil 1 Synthetic LV ATF HP transmission fluid is being released to address torque converter shudder on 8L45 and 8L90 applications. The procedure and new transmission fluid is being rolled out regionally due to the limited availability of both the new transmission fluid and tool kit availability. The dealer rollout was determined by paid warranty claims from TSB 16-NA-175. It is anticipated that the new transmission fluid and tool kit will be available nationwide by late January or early February 2019. Once the new transmission fluid and tool kit is available the detailed service procedure will be loaded into GM Service Information (SI) as a Technical Service Bulletin (TSB). TSB's 16-NA-175 and 18-NA-177 will be eliminated from SI. An additional Global Connect Message will be sent to announce these changes. Selected dealers will receive a separate Global Connect Message this week advising how to obtain the new Mobil 1 Synthetic LV ATF HP transmission fluid, delivery of the no charge tool kit from Bosch and detailed service procedure. The new fluid exchange procedure will require the use of the existing DT-45096 TransFlow machine and tool kit. The tool kit will ship from Bosch at no charge. The December 2018 Emerging Issues Broadcast, course number 10218.12V will be available through the Center of Learning on Thursday, December 13. The broadcast contains a video demonstrating the procedure on a Chevrolet Colorado and details on the new Mobil 1 Synthetic LV ATF HP transmission fluid. The detailed service procedure may seem complicated at first review. However, we are confident that once you've completed the procedure you will find it relatively easy. Proper Diagnosis: Sometimes shudder is not caused by the torque converter clutch (TCC). In some instances, shudder is fish bite, chuggle, surge or vibration. Utilizing the GDS and or the PICO Scope will help confirm the issue is TCC shudder. We have seen cases of suspected TCC shudder turn out to be engine performance, tire/wheel vibration or a driveline vibration. Please do not contact the Technical Assistance Center (TAC) seeking information on when the new Mobil 1 Synthetic LV ATF HP transmission fluid and tool kit will be available nationwide. TAC does not have any additional information. For those dealers that are not among the initial selected group. Please continue to follow 16-NA-175 and 18-NA-177 until the new service procedure is available nationwide. We are working diligently to get the new service solution available to all dealers and will advise through an additional Global Connect message once available. Thank you for your cooperation. GM CUSTOMER CARE & AFTERSALES
대충 요약하면 맞데요. 뭐 새로운 교환 툴이 필요하고 새로운 교환 절차가 필요하다는데 뭐 다 빼내고 충진하는게 기본 개념이니 웬만한 정비소에서는 가능할 것으로 보입니다.
문제는 해당 오일이 시중에 아직 나오지 않았네요. 검색해봐도 파는데가 없어요. 곧 나오리라 기대하고 좀 더 참고 기다려봐야 겠습니다.