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카마로 패달 박스 소개 ㅎㅎ 사용자 리뷰 -카마로ss동호회

카마로 패달 박스 소개 ㅎㅎ

김도영(SunShine)  |  조회수 :5096  |  2021-01-21 (11:01)

Eliminates Delay. Nowadays, vehicles are notorious for their delayed throttle response. That's where the Pedal Commander comes in. These days, vehicles use a drive-by-wire system that monitors the position of the gas pedal to control the throttle electronically, similar to a dimmer switch. The problem with this setup is that the signal from the pedal has to first be sent the ECU, which in turn then sends the signal to the actuator motor that controls the throttle body itself. This delay is most noticeable when trying to speed up to merge with fast moving traffic or pass a slower moving car. However, the Pedal Commander Bluetooth Throttle Response Controller will eliminate that delayed throttled response, giving your vehicle a drastic night and day difference in performance.

블투로 조정 가능


링크는 요기에 

  • 이강혁(케서린아빠) | 2021-01-21 21:07
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